Flex your cortex: 7 secrets to turbocharge your brain | Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D. | TEDxBayArea
Sandra: Inspired to join field of neuroscience after watching non-verbal autistic 11 year old display mechanical genius
Dedicated to understanding, protecting and healing the brain
"We’ve learned more in the last 5 years than all the years cumulative” - 2014
It typically takes 1-2 generations before scientific discoveries trickle down to make meaningful differences in our lives
What harms the brain and what makes it work better
Peak brain years = early 40s
7 Secrets to prevent cognitive decline:
1. Single Task
Brain designed to do one thing at a time
Increases mental productivity
Multitasking hijacks the “smartest engine” the frontal lobes : degrades your brain systems, lowers your mental function and increases stress hormones
2. Inhibit information
We are exposed to 200x more information than we were 20 years ago
Highest performing individuals know what to block out and what to focus on
3. Detox Distractions
Science shows we work only 3mins at a time uninterrupted
How can you do high-level thinking in just 3 minutes?
4. Big Idea Thinking
“Big idea thinking is the supreme unleaded fuel for your brain”
When you take in ideas from different areas, combine it with the rich knowledge you already have, and you form some generalized higher level way of thinking."
Synthesize: How do you extract the essence of stories that you hear?
Interpret: Interpret the message, what does it mean? What’s the bottom line?
Powerhouse Transformative Communications: i.e. think about the e-mails you write, is the subject line boring, rote, something anyone could write?
Come up with a transformative subject line so powerful everyone wants to read it
And the message; Don’t just deluge information but show your deeper-level thinking
Big Idea Thinking makes your memory, thinking and learning most robust
When you engage in BIT you increase your brain at all levels of health
Brain blood flow by 8-12%
30% increase in the speed of neural connection across the central executive network (important for planning, reasoning and problem-solving)
5. Calibrate Mental Effort
Calibrate how much effort you’re going to spend on things
We spend too much time on things we should do quickly, or not enough time on things that deserve more
When you’re hunting elephants, don’t waist your mental energy chasing rabbits?
Elephants need to be done when your brain is in it’s prime time
Typically the first 2 hours of the day, for most people
6. Innovation Brain is wired to be inspired from youth through late life
Hates status quo
7. Motivation
Always trumps talent
One of the secrets to building motivation is using the other strategies
Motivation injects the brain with its most powerful neurotransmitter, dopamine
Dopamine in the right balance makes us happier and increases speed of learning
You need to realize the you are the driver and you are the mechanic of the most powerful engine in the entire world.
Without brain health, you do not have health.