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Mini-Me Family

mini family look alike dolls mini ray mi

Personalized Dolls: A Long-Distance Relationship (LDR) Coping Strategy 

Europe, U.S.A. & Argentina, summer 2019 

For the entirety of summer of 2019, my husband and I lived and traveled on separate continents. He, a professional tango dancer, had a twenty-city tour in Europe, culminating with a performance at a prestigious tango festival. During this time, I took my own show on tour: The Cut & Paste: Zen collage series. 

Using a composite of photos from our wedding day (ref: Photoshop screen capture above), Ray and I designed doll versions of ourselves which we then printed (sublimation) onto fabric. 

Before sewing them closed, we added hearts marked with personal messages. 

For nearly 4 months I kept mini-Ray in my purse with me everywhere I went. I introduced him to my friends and included him in my activities. The real Ray did the same with his mini-Cassandra. 

This worked wonderfully well as a long-distance relationship (LDR) coping strategy. Fears and insecurities were forgotten. My phone was always pinging with adorable photos of mini-me doing something new with my husband. (Mini-Ray even had his own Instagram that summer!) 

If you or someone you know is in a long-distance relatinoship and you would like mini-dolls made of you, please contact me at and I can help you.  

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